We complement
public transport in Wrocław


Initial fee is 10 PLN

Rent a bike and go

Return or park your bike

Wrocławski Rower Miejski is an alternative means of transport, allowing quick movement around our city. It is a good complement to public transport in Wroclaw.

Zwykłe stacje Station
Rowery wolnostojące Bike
Electric bikes Electric bike


0 złto 20

3 złfrom 21 to 60

6 złanother hour

10zł Initial fee +

5zł bike return outside of WRM station +

RFID card assignment rules Pricing

Mobile app

It's easier to rent a bike with mobile app

  • You will quickly rent and return the bike 24/7
  • You can easily find nearest station or a bike.
  • Book bikes directly in the app