How it works?
1. Registration
Would you like to start using the WRM system? Set up an account. Fill out our registration form, accept the Terms of Service and make the initial fee payment. Click on the verification link which you will receive after registering in an email message sent to the email address you submitted. You will also obtain PIN via a text message to the telephone number indicated during registration and in a second email message sent to your email address. You will need this PIN while using the Wrocław Rower Miejski system. That’s all it takes for you to become a user of our bikes.
You can register through our website, our mobile application or by means of our Contact Centre which is open 24/7 at 71 738 11 11.
2. Fee
The initial fee amounts to 10 PLN and it will be credited towards rental charges. The first 20 minutes of each rental of a standard bike is free. Read our price list.
Remember! In order to keep your account active, you must maintain its balance at least in the amount of 10 PLN.
3. Rent a bike
Do you want to rent a bike? Use the mobile application. Approach the selected bike and use the application to scan the QR code placed on the given bike or enter the bike number and select RENT A BIKE.
A standard bike and an electric bike can be rented via the RFID proximity card, which was previously paired with your account. Move your RFID card close to the reader. The card reader is located on the bike luggage carrier.
In addition, you can rent a bike via the Contact Centre, which is available 24 hours a day at 71 738 11 11.
4. Return or park a bike
Do you want to return a bike? Secure it by manually fastening the o-lock, which is located on the rear wheel. It is the only way to correctly complete the rental. The bike will be returned automatically after fastening the lock.
Do you need a break during your rental, but you do not want to return the bike? Select the PARK option in your mobile application and follow the instructions displayed on the screen of your phone. Using the park option is not equivalent to returning the bike.
Remember! First, you should click the PARK option and then close the o-lock.
Service manual for non-standard bikes – Cargo and Handbike.

Cargo electric
Cargo Bikes, also called Family Bikes, are designated to carry cargo. For this purpose these bikes are equipped in cases with carrying capacity up to 100 kg or maximum up to 4 children. While transporting children remember to fasten their seatbelts which may be found by the benches of the cases. Electric versions of Family Bikes are equipped in an engine with support, which facilitates moving around on difficult terrain and assists in riding a loaded bike. Fully charged battery for the support will last for approx. 50 km – it is independent from the conditions or riding and use. Battery charging indicator is located by the handlebars of electric bikes. We may select the applied engine power on it (on a scale from 1 to 6) which allows for adequate use of power towards the carried load. You may check the charging status of the battery support as well as turn on/off the lights at the bike’s back using the indicator.
Note: Turning in case of a Cargo bike differs from turning of a standard bike, due to the wheel base at the front, which results in the necessity of making wider turns.

Handbike – bikes propelled by the force of hands and arms. Equipped in 3 wheels (2 at the back and 1 at the front) and a seat. Handlebars are connected with a drive component of bikes located by the front wheel. Once you take your seat, place your legs on the nets on both sides of the front wheel in order to ensure a stable position while ridding. The bike gains speed in the course of carrying out round, forward moves with handlebars (similar to rowing). Brakes are located in the standard location – close to driver’s handles. The bike is equipped in torpedo type of brake – brake system launched through withdrawing pedals.
Frequently asked questions
Yes. WRM System is compatible with other Nextbike systems, which means that setting up an account in one of the systems enables the use of bike rental stations in other cities, provided that these systems allows for such a possibility.
Yes, if they are above 13 years of age and their parent or legal guardian consented to that. One ought to indicate their telephone number when registering, which the minor will be using as well as his or her PESEL number. The remaining data should belong to the parent or legal guardian. Consent should be scanned and sent electronically/in paper form to the address of the Operator. Sample consent form is available in the tab “Terms of Service”.
No. Only one number enables registration of one User account at WRM system.
Would you like to use the WRM system?
Step 1: Fill out the registration form available on the website.
Step 2: Accept the Terms of Service.
Step 3: Pay the initial fee of 10 PLN.
Step 4: Click on the link which has been be sent to you by email during registration.
Further verification will take place automatically. Once your payment is received, your account will be activated and you will be able to rent urban bikes.
You may register also via the application, at the terminal of the selected stations or by means of the Customer Centre, open 24/7 at 71 738 11 11.
Lack of rental of the reserved bike will trigger charging of additional fee of 50 PLN to your account.
You may cancel your reservation free of charge no later than 60 minutes before the indicated time of rental. All it takes is to call our Customer Centre, open 24/7 at 71 738 11 11
Upon reserving a bike you need to indicate the time of its pick up. Reservation ceases 15 minutes later than the time indicated by you, after which the bike becomes available for reservation to other Users.
You may reserve a bike via the application or website. Select the type of bike you wish to reserve, one of five dedicated stations and time of rental (full hours only). You can make a reservation of a different station than a dedicated one by contacting the Customer Centre, open 24/7 at 71 738 11 11.
Remember! Reservation and delivery of a bike to an indicated station is subject to additional fee.
Fees for reservation and delivery of bikes
Place of delivery | Dedicated station | Dedicated station | Other than dedicated station | Other than dedicated station |
Place of return | Dedicated station | Other than dedicated station | Dedicated station | Other than dedicated station |
Non-standard bike | 15 PLN | 100 PLN | 100 PLN | 200 PLN |
Within the WRM system you reserve non-standard bikes: children’s, cargo, handbike type and tandem type.
By means of the mobile application, in “My rentals” click “Resume”, O-lock blockade will open automatically.
Yes, while at the same time selecting “PARK” option is not an equivalent of a bike return.
Standstill is calculated into the Duration of Rental which differs depending on the type of bike. If you exceed the limit, your account will be charged with a fee in accordance with the below table.
Type of Bike |
Standard Rental Duration | Possibility of extending the Duration of Rental | Maximum Rental Duration | Fee for exceeding the Maximum Duration of Rental |
Children Bike | 48 hours | none | 48 hours | PLN 350 |
E-Bike | 12 hours | none | 12 hours | PLN 300 |
Handbike | 48 hours | by 24 hours | 72 hours | PLN 500 |
Standard | 12 hours | none | 12 hours | PLN 300 |
Tandem | 48 hours | By 24 hours | 72 hours | PLN 500 |
Cargo | 48 hours | By 24 hours | 72 hours | PLN 500 |
You can, o-lock blockade gives you such a possibility. Use “PARK” function within the mobile application and proceed in line with the instructions displayed on the telephone screen.
Remember! First, click twice on “PARK” and then lock the o-lock blockade.
In order to secure the bike, you may also use the clamp with a digital lock. All non-standard bikes are equipped in them.
Do you need to take a break while rental but you don’t wish to return your bike yet? Within the mobile application select “PARK” option.
Return the rented, non-standard bike at one of the non-standard stations.
Standard bike and E-bike may be returned at each station or in another place of your choice in the functional area of WRM.
Do not leave the bike in hardly accessible places, such as closed estates or private properties, areas in vicinity of water reservoirs, river shores etc.
Remember! Return of a bike outside of the station will be subject to additional fees.
Leaving a Standard Bike outside of the WRM station (Paid Return) | 5 PLN |
Returning a non-standard bike to a dedicated station and collecting it from a dedicated station | 15 PLN |
Returning a non-standard bike to the dedicated station and collecting it from a non-dedicated station or returning a non-standard bike to a non-dedicated station and collecting it from a dedicated station | 100 PLN |
Returning a non-standard bike to a non-dedicated station and collecting it from a non-dedicated station. | 200 PLN |
In case of difficulties with returning the bike please contact the 24/7 open Customer Centre at 71 738 11 11.
Would you like to return a bike? Secure it first, through a manual locking of the o-lock blockade, located on the rear wheel. It is the only way to properly complete your rental. The bike will be automatically returned within the system upon locking the blockade.
Non-standard bikes, rented upon prior reservation, must additionally be secured by a clamp.
In case of experiencing difficulties with renting WRM bikes please contact our Customer Centre which is open 24/7 at 71 738 11 11.
Above all, from the WRM station. Standard bikes may be rented also outside of it. You may check whether a given bike is available by scanning its QR code.
The location of WRM stations and positions of the free-standing bikes may be found on the website, within the “Map of stations” tab as well as in the mobile application.
Have you rented a bike outside of the station? Return the bike to the station and we will top up your account with a bonus of 3 PLN.
Would you like to rent a WRM bike?
Standard bikes or E-bikes may be rented from the station or outside of the station. Non-standard bikes will be delivered by us to the station subject to prior reservation.
You will rent a bike the fastest by using our mobile application. For this purpose, approach the selected bike and scan the QR code placed on the given bike via the application.
You may rent a standard or electric bike also by means of a RFID proximity card, previously paired-up with your account. All it takes is to connect the RFID card with a reader, located on the rack of the selected bike.
Rental commences at the time of automatic opening of o-lock blockade. Upon releasing the blockade you will hear a distinctive sound.
In case of lack of possibility of using the above indicated methods of rental, you may contact the Customer Service Office which is open 24/7 at 71 738 11 11.
With WRM you can travel within the administrative boundaries of the municipality of Wrocław and in the localities listed on the website:
You can commute freely and leave the area of usage at any time but REMEMBER, if you want to avoid paying additional fees, return your bike inside the area of usage at one of the stations.
You may send your request of account removal to the email address: [email protected] or via post at:
Nextbike Polska S.A.
ul. Przasnyska 6b
01-756 Warszawa.
Remember! Prior to removing, top up the means on your account to equal to 0 PLN balance. If you have unused means on your account, indicate a bank account number in your request for them to be reimbursed to you.
You can submit requests for data amendments:
– post logging in on the website, in the tab “Account settings”,
– in the mobile application, post selecting the option “My account”,
– via email at the address [email protected] by contacting the 24/7 hotline at 71 738 11 11.
You can view your account balance on the website – it will be the first information to appear post logging in.
Are you using our mobile application? You can check your account balance by clicking on the menu three dashes in the right, bottom corner of the page.
Did you forget your PIN code? Go to the website, select the option “Log in” and then “I forgot PIN”. A new PIN code will be sent to you via a text message.
Are you using our mobile application? Select “Reset PIN”. You will receive a new PIN code for logging in on your telephone number.
In case of lack of possibility of using the above indicated methods, contact our Customer Centre, open 24/7, at 71 738 11 11.
If, during your bike rental, an accident or a collision occurs, write down a statement and/or call the Police to the site. Moreover, remember to inform our 24/7 Customer Centre at 71 738 11 11 about the event within the maximum of 24 hours from the time of its occurrence.
Has your rented bike been stolen? You must inform our Consultant immediately about such case, by calling our 24/7 Customer Centre at 71 738 11 11.
An o-lock blockade is a safety mechanism for bikes in an integrated form with the frame of “O” clamp. Without closing it you will not be able to complete bike return. The blockade also serves the purpose of securing bikes for the duration of use of the “PARK” function. The o-lock blockade is mounted on the rear wheel and it remains open throughout the riding time.
Information containing the number of your rented bike with a description of a defect must be passed on by means of our mobile application, contact for or through calling our 24/7 Customer Centre at 71 738 11 11. Our maintenance crew will handle the defects as soon as possible and your Submission will allow up to react even faster!
Han an engine failure occurred in the course of your bike rental? Use the safety button and disconnect the electric drive. A silver button may be found on the panel located above the rear wheel.
Inform our Consultant immediately after such failure has occurred, by contacting our Customer Centre, open 24/7, at 71 738 11 11.
Yes. If a battery is discharged during rental, you will be riding a bike as if it was a standard one. If the battery is discharged and the bike is secured with an o-lock blockade, you will not be able to rent it.
If you want to check the level of battery charging, simply visit our website and go to the “MAP OF STATIONS” tab or use the WRM mobile application and click on the selected bike. After clicking on the bike, its current battery charging status will appear.
In addition, you can check the battery charging indicator by looking at the colour of the diode at the back of the bike. The diode may be green (charged battery) or red (uncharged battery).
Are you having doubts? Give us a call our Contact Centre is available 24/7 at 71 738 11 11.
An electric bike is a bike which is equipped in an electric drive designated to support riding it. You may ride it with ease, provided that your height is between 150 and 195 cm and that you weight up to 115 kg.
Remember! For your own safety, do not hang anything no the bike’s frame or its other components.